The Shanghai Representative Office of Pierre Cardin France is an entity that has been set up in accordance with the law to represent Pierre Cardin France in China. Its rights have been conferred by Mr Pierre Cardin. This entity oversees all business relating to the Pierre Cardin trademark in China and is the only authorised entity to authenticate the Pierre Cardin trademark in the country.

Recently our Representative Office has received a complaint stating that an Internet site named “Pierre Cardin France (Chine)” is currently carrying out commercial activities in China.  We have discovered that this site “Pierre Cardin France (Chine)” uses, without any legal rights, a maker’s mark identical or similar to that of Pierre Cardin.  Furthermore, the site, through false allegations, infers a direct link or an authorisation from Mr Pierre Cardin thereby succeeding in tricking the consumer and making illegal profits.

According to the legal texts set out by the “Trademark Law of the People’s Republic of China” and the “Unfair Competition Law of the People’s Republic of China”, the actions of the concerned Internet site infringe trademark use and constitute unfair competition.  In order to protect the Pierre Cardin mark and to defend the rights of our consumers we are taking legal action against the concerned Internet site.  We would therefore like to warn our clients not to be tricked by this counterfeit Pierre Cardin website.  If you should encounter any problems, please get in touch with us directly.

Contact : master@pierrecardin.com.cn